BLOG Civilian Studies Field Research

The Tyranny of Their Breakfast Cereal

Dear Sweden,

Here in America, I eat a lot of breakfast cereal. I have a cupboard full of cereal boxes and I arrange them based on nutrition: the healthiest on the left (GoLean) and the deadliest on the right (Cocoa Puffs). A few days ago, I stood in my kitchen—waiting for the election to be over—and perused the “Nutrition Facts” on the side of each box. I went from box to box, calculating calories per gram, and it slowly dawned on me that they all contained about 400 calories per 100 grams. I heard myself say: “I have made a huge mistake.”

There are two reasons for this disaster. First, the American political system is controlled by Big Cereal. Citizens enjoy only a very basic level of consumer protection. Each food product has a vague chart showing nutritional data, but each product has its own serving size and its own units. You need to perform complex mathematical computations to compare two products.

Second, I based my assessment on graphic language. I looked at the boxes and—using my Swedish sensibilities—was hoodwinked into believing that some of them were healthier than others. GoLean (unhealthy). Exhibit A:

Note the following elements of dishonesty in the graphic language:

  • Minimalism
  • Prevalence of white space
  • Font of word “Lean” is extremely low weight

For reference. Swedish Müsli (healthy). Exhibit B.


Note the honest use of:

  • Light colors
  • Minimalism
  • Low weight font

During my information gathering process I have traced this all the way to the top. Perhaps you have heard someone say the following: “Granola is a word in American English that means muesli.”

Wrong. This is a lie perpetrated by Big Cereal. What they call granola is a product we have in Sweden. Exhibit C.


Note the following:

  • Strong colors
  • Name (“Start”)
  • Exclamation mark

The exclamation mark* clearly indicates that this is a calorie-intense breakfast option for very active people. Overall, the graphic language suggests the following: You are about to be jacked on sugar.

Start!—the most shunned and stigmatized cereal of  my childhood—is the healthiest breakfast option in America. Their empire will collapse any day now.

*In America, exclamation marks are always hiding something. See also: Low-Energy Jeb. Exhibit D.


Best Regards,

Joakim Eriksson

3 replies on “The Tyranny of Their Breakfast Cereal”

How many cals from high fructose syrup in the go lean, eh? Basically, nothing crunchy will do you much good as far as insulin goes. 哈哈! Keep on writing!

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